--[[This is the rounds script. It will create different rounds, and will give players the vote gui when needed This must be located in workspace, follow all these instructions.--]] Maps = {game.Lighting:FindFirstChild("Tower of Magic"),game.Lighting:FindFirstChild("Wobbly Bridge")} --Place the maps in here (WHEN I SAID USE _ DOWN BOTTOM, I MEANT IN THE NAMES OF THEM, but don't worry I fixed this. No need to change them. Time_Per_Round = 160 --How long each round lasts HowLongMessageLasts = 5 --How long the message will last HowLongVotingPeriodLasts = 15 --How long they have to vote --Option 1. Map picked: ____ --Option 2. ____ was picked! --Option 3. You will be playing on the ____ map --Option 4. Custom Message --Pick which option (1, 2, 3 or 4) MessageToBeStated = "Seconds Left: " --What should be said during voteing period, make sure to have a space! Option = 1 COLOR = 1 --What team should the first be assigned? Red is 1, Blue is 2 function Op1() m = Instance.new("Message", Workspace) m.Text = "Map picked: ".. MAP .."!" wait(3) m:Destroy() end function Op2() m = Instance.new("Message", Workspace) m.Text = "".. MAP .."____ was picked!" wait(3) m:Destroy() end function Op3() m = Instance.new("Message", Workspace) m.Text = "You will be playing on the ".. MAP .." map" wait(3) m:Destroy() end function Op4() m = Instance.new("Message", Workspace) m.Text = "Map:" --Change this to what the message should be, if you want the name do this; ".. MAP .." wait(3) m:Destroy() end Players = game.Players:GetPlayers() Ls = game.Lighting:GetChildren() _G.MAPA = {"Tower of Magic"} --Name these the name of the map, instead of spaces use _ (THIS WILL BE MAP A, THIS IS WHERE YOU MAKE A STRING VALUE CALLED "A" IN THIS MAP) _G.MAPB = {"Wobbly Bridge"} --Name these the name of the map, instead of spaces use _ (THIS WILL BE MAP B, THIS IS WHERE YOU MAKE A STRING VALUE CALLED "B" IN THIS MAP) _G.MAPC = {} --Name these the name of the map, instead of spaces use _ (THIS WILL BE MAP C, THIS IS WHERE YOU MAKE A STRING VALUE CALLED "C" IN THIS MAP) _G.MAPD = {} --Name these the name of the map, instead of spaces use _ (THIS WILL BE MAP D, THIS IS WHERE YOU MAKE A STRING VALUE CALLED "D" IN THIS MAP) _G.MAPE = {} --Name these the name of the map, instead of spaces use _ (THIS WILL BE MAP E, THIS IS WHERE YOU MAKE A STRING VALUE CALLED "E" IN THIS MAP) _G.MAPF = {} --Name these the name of the map, instead of spaces use _ (THIS WILL BE MAP F, THIS IS WHERE YOU MAKE A STRING VALUE CALLED "F" IN THIS MAP) _G.MAPG = {} --Name these the name of the map, instead of spaces use _ (THIS WILL BE MAP G, THIS IS WHERE YOU MAKE A STRING VALUE CALLED "G" IN THIS MAP) _G.MAPH = {} --Name these the name of the map, instead of spaces use _ (THIS WILL BE MAP H, THIS IS WHERE YOU MAKE A STRING VALUE CALLED "H" IN THIS MAP) _G.MAPI = {} --Name these the name of the map, instead of spaces use _ (THIS WILL BE MAP I, THIS IS WHERE YOU MAKE A STRING VALUE CALLED "I" IN THIS MAP) _G.MAPJ = {} --Name these the name of the map, instead of spaces use _ (THIS WILL BE MAP J, THIS IS WHERE YOU MAKE A STRING VALUE CALLED "J" IN THIS MAP) _G.MAPK = {} --Name these the name of the map, instead of spaces use _ (THIS WILL BE MAP K, THIS IS WHERE YOU MAKE A STRING VALUE CALLED "K" IN THIS MAP) _G.MAPL = {} --Name these the name of the map, instead of spaces use _ (THIS WILL BE MAP K, THIS IS WHERE YOU MAKE A STRING VALUE CALLED "L" IN THIS MAP) _G.MAPM = {} --Name these the name of the map, instead of spaces use _ (THIS WILL BE MAP M, THIS IS WHERE YOU MAKE A STRING VALUE CALLED "M" IN THIS MAP) _G.MAPN = {} --Name these the name of the map, instead of spaces use _ (THIS WILL BE MAP N, THIS IS WHERE YOU MAKE A STRING VALUE CALLED "N" IN THIS MAP) _G.MAPO = {} --Name these the name of the map, instead of spaces use _ (THIS WILL BE MAP O, THIS IS WHERE YOU MAKE A STRING VALUE CALLED "O" IN THIS MAP) _G.MAPP = {} --Name these the name of the map, instead of spaces use _ (THIS WILL BE MAP P, THIS IS WHERE YOU MAKE A STRING VALUE CALLED "P" IN THIS MAP) _G.MAPQ = {} --Name these the name of the map, instead of spaces use _ (THIS WILL BE MAP Q, THIS IS WHERE YOU MAKE A STRING VALUE CALLED "Q" IN THIS MAP) _G.MAPR = {} --Name these the name of the map, instead of spaces use _ (THIS WILL BE MAP R, THIS IS WHERE YOU MAKE A STRING VALUE CALLED "R" IN THIS MAP) _G.NothingCurrently = {} Lasting = HowLongVotingPeriodLasts while true do wait() HowLongVotingPeriodLasts = Lasting if #Players > 1 then for o = 1,#Players do game.Lighting.Vote:Clone() gui.Parent = Players[o].PlayerGui end repeat a = HowLongVotingPeriodLasts wait(1) m = Instance.new("Message", Workspace) m.Text = MessageToBeStated .. a wait(1) until a == 0 m:Destroy() for i = 1,#Players do val = Players[i].Map.Value table.insert(_G[val], val) end mapn = math.max(#_G.MAPA, #_G.MAPB, #_G.MAPC, #_G.MAPD, #_G.MAPE, #_G.MAPF, #_G.MAPG, #_G.MAPH, #_G.MAPI, #_G.MAPJ, #_G.MAPK, #_G.MAPL, #_G.MAPM, #_G.MAPN, #_G.MAPO, #_G.MAPP, #_G.MAPQ, #_G.MAPR) if #_G.MAPA == mapn then for u = 1,#Ls do if Ls[u]:FindFirstChild("A") ~= nil then Picked = Ls[u] end end end Mapp = Pick:Clone() Mapp.Parent = Workspace MAP = Mapp.Name if Option == 1 then Op1() elseif Option == 2 then Op2() elseif Option == 3 then Op3() elseif Option == 4 then Op4() else print("Invalid option") end for y = 1,#Players do if COLOR == 1 then Players[y].TeamColor = BrickColor.new("Really red") COLOR = 2 elseif COLOR == 2 then Players[y].TeamColor = BrickColor.new("Really blue") COLOR = 1 end end end end