So whenever I play my game, this message occurs:
I did not write this script, and I have no way to change it because it doesn't show in the explorer when I am editing the game. All my other scripts are fine, with no errors occurring.
I clicked on this message: Script 'CoreGui.RobloxGui.Modules.AvatarContextMenu.ContextMenuUtil', Line 142
and this script appeared:
--[[ // FileName: ContextMenuUtil.lua // Written by: TheGamer101 // Description: Module for utility funcitons of the avatar context menu. ]] --[[ // FileName: ContextMenuGui.lua // Written by: TheGamer101 // Description: Module for creating the context GUI. ]] --- CONSTANTS local STOP_MOVEMENT_ACTION_NAME = "AvatarContextMenuStopInput" local MAX_THUMBNAIL_WAIT_TIME = 2 local MAX_THUMBNAIL_RETRIES = 4 --- SERVICES local CoreGuiService = game:GetService("CoreGui") local PlayersService = game:GetService("Players") local ContextActionService = game:GetService("ContextActionService") local GuiService = game:GetService("GuiService") local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local RobloxReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("RobloxReplicatedStorage") --- VARIABLES local RobloxGui = CoreGuiService:WaitForChild("RobloxGui") local CoreGuiModules = RobloxGui:WaitForChild("Modules") local PlayerDropDownModule = require(CoreGuiModules:WaitForChild("PlayerDropDown")) local BlockingUtility = PlayerDropDownModule:CreateBlockingUtility() local LocalPlayer = PlayersService.LocalPlayer while not LocalPlayer do PlayersService.PlayerAdded:wait() LocalPlayer = PlayersService.LocalPlayer end local ContextMenuUtil = {} ContextMenuUtil.__index = ContextMenuUtil -- PUBLIC METHODS function ContextMenuUtil:GetHeadshotForPlayer(player) if self.HeadShotUrlCache[player] ~= nil and self.HeadShotUrlCache[player] ~= "" then return self.HeadShotUrlCache[player] end if self.HeadShotUrlCache[player] == nil then -- Mark that we are getting a headshot for this player. self.HeadShotUrlCache[player] = "" end local startTime = tick() local headshotUrl, isFinal = PlayersService:GetUserThumbnailAsync(player.UserId, Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size180x180) if not isFinal then for i = 0, MAX_THUMBNAIL_RETRIES do headshotUrl, isFinal = PlayersService:GetUserThumbnailAsync(player.UserId, Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size180x180) if isFinal then break end wait(i ^ 2) end end self.HeadShotUrlCache[player] = headshotUrl return headshotUrl end function ContextMenuUtil:HasOrGettingHeadShot(player) return self.HeadShotUrlCache[player] ~= nil end function ContextMenuUtil:FindPlayerFromPart(part) if part and part.Parent then local possibleCharacter = part while possibleCharacter and not possibleCharacter:IsA("Model") do possibleCharacter = possibleCharacter.Parent end if possibleCharacter then return PlayersService:GetPlayerFromCharacter(possibleCharacter) end end return nil end function ContextMenuUtil:GetPlayerPosition(player) if player.Character then local hrp = player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") if hrp then return hrp.Position end end return nil end local playerMovementEnabled = true function ContextMenuUtil:DisablePlayerMovement() if not playerMovementEnabled then return end playerMovementEnabled = false local noOpFunc = function(actionName, actionState) if actionState == Enum.UserInputState.End then return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass end return Enum.ContextActionResult.Sink end ContextActionService:BindCoreAction(STOP_MOVEMENT_ACTION_NAME, noOpFunc, false, Enum.PlayerActions.CharacterForward, Enum.PlayerActions.CharacterBackward, Enum.PlayerActions.CharacterLeft, Enum.PlayerActions.CharacterRight, Enum.PlayerActions.CharacterJump, Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1, Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad2, Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad3, Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad4 ) end function ContextMenuUtil:EnablePlayerMovement() if playerMovementEnabled then return end playerMovementEnabled = true ContextActionService:UnbindCoreAction(STOP_MOVEMENT_ACTION_NAME) end function ContextMenuUtil:GetFriendStatus(player) local success, result = pcall(function() -- NOTE: Core script only return LocalPlayer:GetFriendStatus(player) end) if success then return result else return Enum.FriendStatus.NotFriend end end local CanChatWithMap = {} coroutine.wrap(function() local RemoteEvent_CanChatWith = RobloxReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("CanChatWith") RemoteEvent_CanChatWith.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(userId, canChat) CanChatWithMap[userId] = canChat end) end)() function ContextMenuUtil:GetCanChatWith(otherPlayer) if BlockingUtility:IsPlayerBlockedByUserId(otherPlayer.UserId) then -- This can be removed when Chat:CanUsersChatAsync() correctly respects blocked status. return false end if CanChatWithMap[otherPlayer.UserId] ~= nil then return CanChatWithMap[otherPlayer.UserId] end -- Assume we can chat if we have not received information from the server yet. return true end local SelectionOverrideObject ="ImageLabel") SelectionOverrideObject.Image = "" SelectionOverrideObject.BackgroundTransparency = 1 local function MakeDefaultButton(name, size, clickFunc, theme) local button ="ImageButton") button.Name = name button.Image = theme.ButtonImage button.ScaleType = theme.ButtonImageScaleType button.SliceCenter = theme.ButtonImageSliceCenter button.BackgroundColor3 = theme.ButtonColor button.BackgroundTransparency = theme.ButtonTransparency button.AutoButtonColor = false button.Size = size button.ZIndex = 2 button.SelectionImageObject = SelectionOverrideObject button.BorderSizePixel = 0 local underline ="Frame") underline.Name = "Underline" underline.BackgroundColor3 = theme.ButtonUnderlineColor underline.AnchorPoint =,1) underline.BorderSizePixel = 0 underline.Position =,0,1,0) underline.Size =,0,0,1) underline.Parent = button if clickFunc then button.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() clickFunc(UserInputService:GetLastInputType()) end) end local function isPointerInput(inputObject) return inputObject.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement or inputObject.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch end local function selectButton() button.BackgroundColor3 = theme.ButtonHoverColor button.BackgroundTransparency = theme.ButtonHoverTransparency end local function deselectButton() button.BackgroundColor3 = theme.ButtonColor button.BackgroundTransparency = theme.ButtonTransparency end button.InputBegan:Connect(function(inputObject) if button.Selectable and isPointerInput(inputObject) then selectButton() inputObject:GetPropertyChangedSignal("UserInputState"):connect(function() if inputObject.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then deselectButton() end end) end end) button.InputEnded:Connect(function(inputObject) if button.Selectable and GuiService.SelectedCoreObject ~= button and isPointerInput(inputObject) then deselectButton() end end) button.SelectionGained:Connect(function() selectButton() end) button.SelectionLost:Connect(function() deselectButton() end) local guiServiceCon = GuiService.Changed:Connect(function(prop) if prop ~= "SelectedCoreObject" then return end if GuiService.SelectedCoreObject == nil or GuiService.SelectedCoreObject ~= button then deselectButton() return end if button.Selectable then selectButton() end end) return button end local function getViewportSize() while not workspace.CurrentCamera do workspace.Changed:wait() end while workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize ==,0) or workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize ==,1) do workspace.CurrentCamera.Changed:wait() end return workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize end local function isSmallTouchScreen() local viewportSize = getViewportSize() return UserInputService.TouchEnabled and (viewportSize.Y < 500 or viewportSize.X < 700) end function ContextMenuUtil:MakeStyledButton(name, text, size, clickFunc, theme) local button = MakeDefaultButton(name, size, clickFunc, theme) local textLabel ="TextLabel") textLabel.Name = name .. "TextLabel" textLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 textLabel.BorderSizePixel = 0 textLabel.Size =, 0, 1, -8) textLabel.Position =,0,0,0) textLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255) textLabel.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Center textLabel.Font = theme.Font textLabel.TextSize = 24 * theme.TextScale if isSmallTouchScreen() then textLabel.TextSize = 18 * theme.TextScale elseif GuiService:IsTenFootInterface() then textLabel.TextSize = 36 * theme.TextScale end textLabel.Text = text textLabel.TextScaled = true textLabel.TextWrapped = true textLabel.ZIndex = 2 textLabel.Parent = button local constraint ="UITextSizeConstraint", textLabel) constraint.MaxTextSize = textLabel.TextSize return button, textLabel end function local obj = setmetatable({}, ContextMenuUtil) obj.HeadShotUrlCache = {} return obj end return
repeat I cannot edit this script because when I'm editing the game it doesn't show in explorer.
How can I fix this problem?
it happens to every game so dont worry, its just a roblox system