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Trying to generate a Model of a player but instead only generates parts of it. Why does it do this?

Asked by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

I'm using a TextBox for the player to type a username in and a TextButton for a function to run that generates the player model that the player had entered.

The script is a LocalScript inside the TextButton.

    local NewPlayer = Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(script.Parent.Parent.TextBox.Text)

    local appearanceModel = game.Players:GetCharacterAppearanceAsync(NewPlayer)
    appearanceModel.Parent = game.Workspace
    appearanceModel:MoveTo(, 2.454, -78.375))

The code can find the accessories/hats of the searched player. If the player isn't using the default package (1.0) then it spawns the package that the user has but unanchored and falls into pieces. If the user is a 1.0, the code only spawns in the accessories/hats. If they have any non 1.0 limbs, it spawns the limbs too.

here's a gif of how it's generated:

I want a full Model of the searched player. Full body, Accessories, basically everything.

i got the same result User#29913 36 — 4y
hmm i think the Motor6D that connect character aren't created for you when the model is loaded.. try anchoring it once it's created, then observe to see wheeather or not Motor6Ds are present User#23252 26 — 4y

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