Okay so this is a script in Workspace that is supposed to save all player's statistics every 5 minutes, and load them when the player joins. This does not work at all, and Output will not tell me the error. (I know i forgot the s at the end of leaderstat, I made it so that it is leaderstat so that they are not visible on the player list.)
function LoadStatistics(Player) Player:WaitForDataReady() ToLoad = Player.leaderstat:GetChildren() for i = 1,#ToLoad do ToLoad[i].Value = Player:LoadInstance(ToLoad[i].Name) end Message = Instance.new("Hint", Player.PlayerGui) Message.Text = "Successfully Loaded Statistics" wait(3) Message:Remove() script.Disabled = true --ye dis breaks sooo >_> script.Disabled = false end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(LoadStatistics) while wait(300) do Search = game.Players:GetChildren() for i = 1,#Search do if Search[i]:findFirstChild("leaderstat") then ToSave = Search[i].leaderstat:GetChildren() for i = 1,#ToSave do Search[i]:SaveInstance(ToSave[i].Name, ToSave[i]) end end end Message = Instance.new("Hint", game.Workspace) Message.Text = "Autosaved All Statistics" wait(3) Message:Remove() end