I want to make a in-game tutorial.
It is where once a player joins for the first time it will show up but if they rejoin the game it wont show up again.
Kind of like what "Robeats!" has but instead of a cutscene its just a GUI.
This is my UI : https://prnt.sc/rg1pgd
(I don't have any clue where to start)
you'll have to use a DataStore for this, check if the player already has existing data, and if not, the datastore will create new data for the player and you can add the code of cloning the GUI from preferably ServerStorage
to the PlayerGui
This is just an example:
local s, e = pcall(function() DataFromStore = DataStore("DataStore-" .. Player.UserId) end) if s then print("the player have existing data, Getting Data For: " .. Player.Name) if DataFromStore then print("Data Loaded For: " .. Player.Name) else print("Created New Data For: " .. Player.Name) --game.ServerStorage.Tutorial:Clone().Parent = Player.PlayerGui end else warn("Error Getting Data For: " .. Player.Name) end end)
local ds = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("FirstJoin") game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) local key = "user_"..plr.UserId local data = ds:GetAsync(key) --Gets the player data if data then --checks if the player have data warn(plr.Name.." is back :D")--Player have data else--Player dont have data warn(plr.Name.." is new!") warn("Creating Data for "..plr.Name) ds:SetAsync(key,1) --Create data end end)
You need to use DataStoreService