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how do i keep scripts saved when enabling team create?

Asked by 5 years ago

I have this problem with studio where when i have team create enabled i can't save scripts and so i have to re do scripts every time, and plus i don't own a computer so i have to reinstall studio on the library computer every time, how do i solve this its giving me a major head ache searching online without finding answers too this problem, it also keeps saying something about script can't save without commitment.

If you want to turn off Collaborative Editing, review: chess123mate 5873 — 5y

3 answers

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Answered by 5 years ago

Collaborative Script Editing has now been made the default for team create.

That means all scripts will be saved as drafts and deleted if you do not approve them.

There should be a new option in the View tab saying Drafts or something like that. Open it and drafts will appear. Right click on the drafts and press approve.

If this helped please accept this answer.

All the best,


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Answered by
JPT79 92
5 years ago

I've had the same problem before, I'm pretty sure they're supposed to save when you close the script's tab, however if you can't find a solution I'd copy the scripts and paste them into a script on a seperate game without team create enabled

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Answered by 5 years ago

Sadly you cant disable script drafts. But If you don't know how to save a draft you go to the View tab and look for Drafts and when you click that you right click and click commit and then your script is saved! Hope this helps.

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