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Is it necessary to store remote events and functions in replicated storage only?

Asked by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

Well, is it ALWAYS necessary to store remote events and functions in replicated storage only? If not, where can I store them except for replicated storage?

1 answer

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Answered by 5 years ago

Of course there's more places. These places include Workspace, ServerStorage and ReplicatedFirst.

BUT, ReplicatedStorage would be the most convenient storage place for them as it is the only one that local scripts and global scripts can view and handle.

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If you were store them inside of ServerStorage then the client wouldn't be able to access them. Which would make them completely useless. ScuffedAI 435 — 5y
That is what I am explaining. PrismaticFruits 842 — 5y

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