I have this script here that I am using to "end the round." (Checks if the team "Survivors" has zero people) The problem is that it runs, but after that doesn't continuously check if it is true. I tried to add a while loop , but that doesn't seem to work. So how can I make it check until the statement is true?
function waitforwinner() while wait() do if #_G.getTeam(game.Teams.Survivors) == 0 then m = Instance.new("Message",Workspace) m.Text = "The final survivor was infected. Infected win !Once you respawn the round will begin!" wait(3) m:Destroy() if first_infected.StarterGear.Revolver ~= nil then first_infected.StarterGear.Revolver:Destroy() game.Workspace.Field1.Parent = game.Lighting wait(3) game.Lighting.Field1.Parent = game.Workspace _G.blue()--global function makes everyone blue again if #_G.getTeam(game.Teams.Infected) == 0 then begin("The round has begun.",3) GiveGun() FirstInfected("A player has been randomly infected!",3) waitforwinner() end end elseif #_G.getTeam(game.Teams.Survivors) >= 1 then-- If time runs out do wait(400) m = Instance.new("Message",Workspace) m.Text = "Time has run out. Survivors win!" wait(3) m:Destroy() end if first_infected.StarterGear.Revolver ~= nil then first_infected.StarterGear.Revolver:Destroy() end game.Workspace.Field1.Parent = game.Lighting wait(3) game.Lighting.Field1.Parent = game.Workspace _G.blue() if #_G.getTeam(game.Teams.Infected) == 0 then begin("The round has begun.",3) GiveGun() FirstInfected("A player has been randomly infected!",3) waitforwinner() end end end waitforwinner()
P.S. This is in a function
you need to put a while true do in there instead of while wait() do, like this :
function example() gibba = false giff = true while true do --<- c, not while wait() do print"hello" elseif gibba = false then print"hey" end example()
btw this is an example