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How to change KeyCode.Name to Enum.KeyCode?

Asked by 4 years ago

I want to add xbox controls for this custom toolbar. I need to change it to Enum.KeyCode and it currently is KeyCode.Name which does not work for xbox controls. What might be the best way to make this change?

game:GetService('StarterGui'):SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, false) --< variables >-- local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService") local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = workspace:WaitForChild(player.Name) -- added WaitForChild local bp = player.Backpack local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid") local frame = script.Parent.Frame local template = frame.Template local equipped = 0.2 -- icon transparencies local unequipped = 0.7 local iconSize = template.Size local iconBorder = {x = 15, y = 5} -- pixel space between icons local inputKeys = { -- dictionary for effective referencing ["One"] = {txt = "1"}, ["Two"] = {txt = "2"}, ["Three"] = {txt = "3"}, ["Four"] = {txt = "4"}, ["Five"] = {txt = "5"}, ["Six"] = {txt = "6"}, ["Seven"] = {txt = "7"}, ["Eight"] = {txt = "8"}, ["Nine"] = {txt = "9"}, ["Zero"] = {txt = "0"}, } local inputOrder = { -- array for storing the order of the keys inputKeys["One"],inputKeys["Two"],inputKeys["Three"],inputKeys["Four"],inputKeys["Five"], inputKeys["Six"],inputKeys["Seven"],inputKeys["Eight"],inputKeys["Nine"],inputKeys["Zero"], } --< functions >-- function handleEquip(tool) if tool then if tool.Parent ~= char then hum:EquipTool(tool) else hum:UnequipTools() end end end function create() -- creates all the icons at once (and will only run once) local toShow = #inputOrder -- # operator can only be used with an array, not a dictionary local totalX = (toShow*iconSize.X.Offset)+((toShow+1)*iconBorder.x) local totalY = iconSize.Y.Offset + (2*iconBorder.y) frame.Size =, totalX, 0, totalY) frame.Position =, -(totalX/2), 1, -(totalY+(iconBorder.y*2))) frame.Visible = true -- just in case! for i = 1, #inputOrder do local value = inputOrder[i] local clone = template:Clone() clone.Parent = frame clone.Label.Text = value["txt"] clone.Name = value["txt"] clone.Visible = true clone.Position =, (i-1)*(iconSize.X.Offset)+(iconBorder.x*i), 0, iconBorder.y) clone.ImageTransparency = unequipped local tool = value["tool"] if tool then clone.Tool.Image = tool.TextureId end clone.Tool.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() -- click icon to equip/unequip for key, value in pairs(inputKeys) do if value["txt"] == clone.Name then handleEquip(value["tool"]) end end end) end template:Destroy() end function setup() -- sets up all the tools already in the backpack (and will only run once) local tools = bp:GetChildren() for i = 1, #tools do if tools[i]:IsA("Tool") then -- does not assume that all objects in the backpack will be a tool (2.11.18) for i = 1, #inputOrder do local value = inputOrder[i] if not value["tool"] then -- if the tool slot is free... value["tool"] = tools[i] break -- stop searching for a free slot end end end end create() end function adjust() for key, value in pairs(inputKeys) do local tool = value["tool"] local icon = frame:FindFirstChild(value["txt"]) if tool then icon.Tool.Image = tool.TextureId if tool.Parent == char then -- if the tool is equipped... icon.ImageTransparency = equipped else icon.ImageTransparency = unequipped end else icon.Tool.Image = "" icon.ImageTransparency = unequipped end end end function onKeyPress(inputObject) -- press keys to equip/unequip local key = inputObject.KeyCode.Name local value = inputKeys[key] if value and uis:GetFocusedTextBox() == nil then -- don't equip/unequip while typing in text box handleEquip(value["tool"]) end end function handleAddition(adding) if adding:IsA("Tool") then local new = true for key, value in pairs(inputKeys) do local tool = value["tool"] if tool then if tool == adding then new = false end end end if new then for i = 1, #inputOrder do local tool = inputOrder[i]["tool"] if not tool then -- if the tool slot is free... inputOrder[i]["tool"] = adding break end end end adjust() end end function handleRemoval(removing) if removing:IsA("Tool") then if removing.Parent ~= char and removing.Parent ~= bp then for i = 1, #inputOrder do if inputOrder[i]["tool"] == removing then inputOrder[i]["tool"] = nil break end end end adjust() end end --< events >-- uis.InputBegan:Connect(onKeyPress) char.ChildAdded:Connect(handleAddition) char.ChildRemoved:Connect(handleRemoval) bp.ChildAdded:Connect(handleAddition) bp.ChildRemoved:Connect(handleRemoval) --< start >-- setup() --[[ Shiro75 ]]--
Sorry, I don't think I understand your question. Do you mean you want the keys for the inputKeys table to be Enum.KeyCodes? compUcomp 417 — 4y
Yes that Is what I meant SilverishReign 75 — 4y
Will you please help me? SilverishReign 75 — 4y
Enum.KeyCode["A"} is Enum.KeyCode.A royaltoe 5144 — 4y
View all comments (2 more)
{} or []? SilverishReign 75 — 4y
Oops. How did I mess that up. It is []. Did that solve your problem because I wasn't quite sure what the problem was royaltoe 5144 — 4y

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