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Camera going through a transparent part. How would I make this not happen?

Asked by
ghxstlvty 133
4 years ago

Salutations. I am working on my event center. I don't want trainees or guests zooming their camera through the transparent wall and pressing buttons that only HRs get access to. I tried doing stuff with Popper cam and looked up tons of stuff about this and cannot seem to find anything that works. <-- There are the buttons that I don't want other people besides HRs pressing. There is an invisible wall before you get on the stage that only lets HRs+ in.

Please, do not get angered at the face I am "requesting" something. This is just the fact I have been trying to figure this out for a while and I am angered with the fact nothing has helped.

What you could do is make sure that the people pressing it are on the HR team, and otherwise it would not do anything doomblade_66 55 — 4y

1 answer

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Answered by 4 years ago

It's not the best code but I think it's good enough.

local ClickDetector = script.Parent.ClickDetector --Add a clickdetector to your part and parent it.
local Brick = script.Parent.Parent.Part --Parent everything you need. (Lights, Parts and more).

ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(function (player)
    if player:GetRankInGroup(5367465) >= 30 then --Enter your groupid and the rankid+ who is allowed to use the buttons.
        Brick.Transparency = 1 --Add everything that should happen when someone hits the button.
The thing is, is that these buttons open and close a door. The door has an actual animation that opens are closes and is not just transparency. ghxstlvty 133 — 4y
Nvm! I figured it out myself. Thankss!!! ghxstlvty 133 — 4y
Welp. It doesn't work, ghxstlvty 133 — 4y
Hm. May you tell me what's wrong? DeAuroraxx 50 — 4y

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