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How can I make a ball that I am inside of roll?

Asked by 4 years ago

When I make a ball that I am inside of how do I make it so that it rolls when I move? Right now it just suspends me in midair and moves but doesn't roll. This is my code:

local PhysicsService = game:GetService("PhysicsService") local Players = "Players" local Ball = "Ball" function weld(x, y) local weld ="Weld", x) weld.Part0 = x weld.Part1 = y weld.Parent = x end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(character) for _,inst in pairs (character:GetChildren()) do if inst:IsA("BasePart") then PhysicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(inst, Players) end end end) player.Chatted:Connect(function(msg) local args = msg:split(" ") if msg == "ball" or msg == "/e ball" or msg == "Ball" or msg == "/e Ball" then local Character = player.Character local Root = Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") ------------------------------------------------------------ local part ="Part") part.Name = "Ball" part.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball part.Transparency = 0 part.Size =,15,15) PhysicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(part, Ball) part.Anchored = false part.CFrame = Root.CFrame part.Massless = true part.Material = Enum.Material.ForceField part.BrickColor ="Light blue") --------------------------------------------- local descendants = player.Character:GetDescendants() for _,inst in pairs(descendants) do if inst:IsA("BasePart") and inst.CanCollide then local noCollisionConstraint ="NoCollisionConstraint") noCollisionConstraint.Parent = part noCollisionConstraint.Part0 = inst noCollisionConstraint.Part1 = part end end part.Parent = workspace weld(Root, part) end end) end)
If you mean with WASD movement, idk. But having something which already has a velocity collide with the ball could pass a bit of the velocity onto the ball and making it roll. BeAHacker666 75 — 4y
=/ OwOShiba 78 — 4y

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