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Exploit Banning? (A script that bans exploiters if an exploit is used.)

Asked by 5 years ago

I'm looking for a script that detects exploits, and bans the player

because there is Filtering Enabled exploits, and ROBLOX doesn't really ban all of exploiters....

how would this work?

2 answers

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Answered by
Lakodex 711 Moderation Voter
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

Here. Put this in ServerScriptService as a Script

01local Ban = {}
02local PlayerGUINames = {"NoobGUI","SpawnGUI"."EbicGamz"} -- Put your GUI names here
04game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) --Detects new players
05    for i,v in pairs (Ban) do -- ignore these lines below. Only for banning the user!
06        if player.UserId == v then -- Checks his userid for the bans table
07            player:Kick("[Cheat detection] You have been banned from this server using cheats!") -- If the player attempts to join back, He will be banned from the server!
08        end
09    end -- ignore these lines above. Only for banning the user!
11    player.PlayerGui.ChildAdded:Connect(function(GUI) -- Test new GUI's
12        for i,v in pairs (PlayerGUINames) do -- Get the names from the table named "PlayerGUINames"
13            if not GUI.Name == v then -- Check the GUI name
14                table.insert(Ban, Player.UserId) -- Ban the user
15                player:Kick("[Cheat detection] You have been banned from this server using cheats!") -- Kick the scummy player
16            end
17        end
18    end
easily bypassed idk what the issue is but idk man try again? yealetFNG 4 — 5y
thanks :D zachmcfly 11 — 5y
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Answered by 5 years ago

I used to use exploits so I might be of assistance. Some games when I'd inject my exploit I would get banned for Unexpected GUI. Basically make something that will detect a different GUI then what you made. It might become a tedious task, although it would be worth the price when your players aren't complaining.

ok so, i will make it so the exceptions for playerguis are guis with certain names, i will make the guis names stuff like "NotAnExploitLol" and if the guis name isnt that, it will ban the player if that gui is detected zachmcfly 11 — 5y
Sorry for responding late. Make a whitelist of all the GUIS that are supposed to be in the game. Like an anti-ban. If it detects something out of the ordinary then make it trigger the ban. Aeroporia 37 — 5y
ok, i will. will be perfect zachmcfly 11 — 5y

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