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How can I get my lower hinge to track the player properly?

Asked by 5 years ago

I have a project I've been working on and I tried writing my own script for a turret that tracks the player when it gets near, although at the moment I have it look for me regardless of distance. So far I have the actual gun part rotating properly, but not the thing it's attached to. It's literally the same code except using the Y axis instead of the X axis since it's mounted sideways on a wall.

Here's my code:

local turret = script.Parent
local gunHinge = turret.GunBase.Base.Base2GunHinge
local gunHingePos = gunHinge.Attachment0.WorldPosition
local baseHinge = turret.WallMount.Mount.Base2WallHinge
local baseHingePos = baseHinge.Attachment0.WorldPosition

local target

local function trackObject(object)
    local gunHingeX = object.Position.X - gunHingePos.X
    local gunHingeZ = object.Position.Z - gunHingePos.Z
    local baseHingeY = object.Position.Y - baseHingePos.Y
    local baseHingeZ = object.Position.Z - baseHingePos.Z
    local ratio1 = gunHingeX/gunHingeZ
    local ratio2 = baseHingeY/baseHingeZ

    gunHinge.TargetAngle = -math.deg(math.atan(ratio1))
    baseHinge.TargetAngle = -math.deg(math.atan(ratio2))

while wait() do

Thanks in advance! :D

What do you mean by lower hinge and what exactly is the problem AlmostADemon 50 — 5y
I have turret I built. It uses Hinge Constraints. The top hinge works perfectly. The bottom hinge does not. Here's a GIF of said problematic turret: acer1102 97 — 5y

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