wait(1) local DeathStar = Instance.new("Part") local BBG = Instance.new("BillboardGui") local ImLab = Instance.new("ImageLabel") local Sound = Instance.new("Sound") Sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://522569768" Sound.MaxDistance = math.huge Sound.EmitterSize = math.huge Sound.Volume = 1 Sound.Parent = game.Workspace local DISTANCE = 1500 local SIZE = 750 local TIMEE = 1500 DeathStar.Size = Vector3.new(1,1,1) DeathStar.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Lime green") DeathStar.Material = Enum.Material.Neon local Mesh = Instance.new("SpecialMesh") Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(SIZE,0,SIZE) Mesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Sphere Mesh.Parent = DeathStar DeathStar.Transparency = 1 DeathStar.Anchored = true BBG.Size = UDim2.new(SIZE,0,SIZE,0) ImLab.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,1,0) ImLab.Image = "rbxassetid://150858108" ImLab.BackgroundTransparency = 1 ImLab.ImageTransparency = 1 ImLab.Parent = BBG BBG.Parent = DeathStar DeathStar.CFrame = (game.Workspace:GetModelCFrame() + Vector3.new(0, 0, DISTANCE)) DeathStar.Parent = game.Workspace wait(1) function boom(part) if part:IsA("BasePart") and part ~= DeathStar then local a = Instance.new("Explosion") a.Position = part.Position a.Parent = part part.Anchored = false end local b = part:GetChildren() for i=1,#b do if b[i]:IsA("BasePart") or b[i]:IsA("Folder") or b[i]:IsA("Model") then boom(b[i]) end end end for i=1,TIMEE do wait() DeathStar.CFrame = CFrame.new(0,DeathStar.Position.y + (DISTANCE/TIMEE), DeathStar.Position.z - (DISTANCE/TIMEE)) ImLab.ImageTransparency = ImLab.ImageTransparency - (1/(TIMEE/2)) end Sound:Play() game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(Sound,Sound.TimeLength+1) wait(11) for i=1,25 do wait() if DeathStar.Transparency ~= 0 then DeathStar.Transparency = DeathStar.Transparency - 0.2 end if DeathStar.Transparency <= 0 then DeathStar.Transparency = 0 end Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(SIZE,Mesh.Scale.y + ((DISTANCE*4)/50),SIZE) Mesh.Offset = Mesh.Offset - Vector3.new(0,((DISTANCE*2)/50),0) end game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = 0 boom(game.Workspace) for i=1,25 do wait() Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(SIZE,Mesh.Scale.y - ((DISTANCE*4)/50),SIZE) Mesh.Offset = Mesh.Offset - Vector3.new(0,((DISTANCE*2)/50),0) end for i=1,100 do DeathStar.Transparency = DeathStar.Transparency + 1/50 ImLab.ImageTransparency = ImLab.ImageTransparency + 1/50 BBG.Size = BBG.Size - UDim2.new(SIZE/50,0,SIZE/50,0) wait() end game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(DeathStar,1)
(how do you convert this script to sever side (make people apart from me see it)
I didn't try to even look at the script because you didn't use the Lua button thingy which makes it more organized and look like code, but the way you transfer from local script to a server script is Remote Events. Look it up on Youtube for a tutorial on it. TheDevKing makes a pretty good tutorial for it.
Hey there, script kiddo! Looks like you're trying to convert that big long script. Well, it's easy.
STEP 1 First, you have to get your script to a link, like Pastebin. You do this by pasting in your script, then scrolling down all the way and pressing Create New Paste. But you should name it.
STEP 2 Now, you need to make another paste. Now copy in this:
local ScriptLink = [[]] --//Do not touch anything below this line, you may break it. local FeSource = nil;pcall(function()FeSource = game:GetService("HttpService"):GetAsync("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WaverlyCole/FE-Compatibility-VoidSb-/master/translate.lua")end); local ScriptSource = nil;pcall(function()ScriptSource = game:GetService("HttpService"):GetAsync(ScriptLink)end); if not FeSource then error("Failed to grab update! Try again later.",0)end;if not ScriptSource then error("Failed to get link!",0)end; local FeConversion = loadstring(FeSource);local FeSucc,FeErr = pcall(FeConversion);if not FeSucc then warn(FeErr)error("Failed to initiate! Try again later.",0) end; local Script = loadstring(ScriptSource);local Succ,Err = pcall(Script);if not Succ then warn(Err)error("Error loading script.",0) end;
STEP 3 Do you see where those 4 brackets are? Inside the brackets, paste the URL from your last paste into those brackets. Don't remove the brackets. Though, you do need to change this. You need to add a /raw/ like this. Before: pastebin.com/ABCDEFG After: pastebin.com/raw/ABCDEFG Now you can grab the URL from the script like this above and use it where you need to use it.!