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How do I make different eyes appear on every other mouse click?

Asked by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

I'm making a customization gui and I'm trying to make different eyes or anything in general appear after more than one mouse click. Here's what I got so far but it isn't really working.

local eyes = {"Eye1","Eye2","Eye3","Eye4","Eye5","Eye6","Eye7","Eye8","Eye9"};
local CurrentEye = 1;
local GoUp = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.CustomizationGui.FaceGui.ArrowEyes2
    if (CurrentEye) + 1 > #eyes then
        CurrentEye = 1;

        CurrentEye = CurrentEye +1;


1 answer

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Answered by 5 years ago

I showed you how to do this on Discord. Inside of the array, have the decals of the eyes.

When goUp is pressed, add to the currentEyes value if it's less than the max number of eyes, then load that decal in.

When goDown is pressed, SUBTRACT from the currentEyes value if it's greater than 0, then load THAT decal in.

local eyes = {"eye1ID", "eye2ID", "and so on"}; -- add decals here
local currentEye = 1;

if(currentEye + 1) > #eyes then
currentEye = 1;
-- set eye here. You can get decal VIA eyes[currentEye]
local cEyes = eyes[currentEye];
-- just create a new decal and set it's Texture to cEyes, then parent it to the character's head
currentEye = currentEye + 1;
-- set eye here. You can get decal VIA eyes[currentEye]
local cEyes = eyes[currentEye];
-- just create a new decal and set it's Texture to cEyes, then parent it to the character's head

if(currentEye  - 1) == 0 then
currentEye = #eyes;
-- set eye here. You can get decal VIA eyes[currentEye]
local cEyes = eyes[currentEye];
-- just create a new decal and set it's Texture to cEyes, then parent it to the character's head
currentEye = currentEye - 1;
-- set eye here. You can get decal VIA eyes[currentEye]
local cEyes = eyes[currentEye];
-- just create a new decal and set it's Texture to cEyes, then parent it to the character's head

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