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Materials Vs. Smooth Plastic?

Asked by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

I've been wondering for the past month on if it is really worth using Smooth Plastic over other Roblox materials. I tried testing this in studio but couldn't get a clear result. So if there were to be like 10,000 parts, would Smooth Plastic make a big difference?

What do you mean you couldn’t get a clear result? Unclear results probably mean the difference is negligible even if present. ankurbohra 681 — 5y
Uh there isn't much of a difference. Tbh I never use plastic because I like added texutre to everything. Make it more realistic Bl_ueHistory 94 — 5y
It depends on what kind of style you're going for. If you want like a cartoony or simplistic style I would suggest using Smooth Plastic over other textures to add less detail and make it look simple. If you were going for a realistic style or look I would suggest using different materials to add more texture and detail so it could have a realistic effect. Sorry if this doesn't help.. OreoCakelover 17 — 5y
wont really effect your lag much. you should more be worried about a lot of parts being in one space or a lot of code running at once. royaltoe 5144 — 5y

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Answered by
TNTIsLyfe 152
5 years ago

i say smooth plastic it much more smooth and cool for ur players then the regular stuff


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