I'm trying to use the new PathfindingService to implement AI into some zombies.
However, when I try to use the StartPoint of a Zombie's torso, the path's Status returns "FailStartNotEmpty".
No duh, Roblox. It's not supposed to be.
But, I cannot continue without this, so is there anyway I can tell it to ignore the Zombie Torso part when creating the path?
If you think the code will help, here it is. It's lengthy and part of a ModuleScript.
function myModule.Pathfind(zombie) local pathfindingService = game:GetService("PathfindingService") local start = zombie.Torso.Position local target = zombie.nearestTorso.Value.Position local path = pathfindingService:ComputeRawPathAsync(start, target, 500) -- Check to see if the path was computed correctly if path.Status == Enum.PathStatus.FailStartNotEmpty then print("Compute Failed: FailStartNotEmpty") return {} elseif path.Status == Enum.PathStatus.FailFinishNotEmpty then print("Compute Failed: FailFinishNotEmpty") return {} end targetPath = path:GetPointCoordinates() numberOfNodes = #targetPath if container ~= nil then targetpointchil = container:GetChildren() for i=1, #targetpointchil do targetpointchil[i]:Destroy() end for i, v in pairs(zombie.CurrentPath:GetChildren()) do v:Destroy() end container:Destroy() end container = Instance.new("Model") container.Name = "TargetPointHolder" container.Parent = Workspace for i, v in pairs(targetPath) do if (v - zombie.Torso.Position).magnitude < (zombie.nearestTorso.Value.Position - zombie.Torso.Position).magnitude then nodeLocation = Instance.new("Vector3Value") nodeLocation.Name = "Point"..i nodeLocation.Value = v nodeLocation.Parent = zombie.CurrentPath targetpoint = Instance.new("Part") targetpoint.Name = "TargetPoint" targetpoint.Anchored = true targetpoint.CanCollide = false targetpoint.FormFactor = "Custom" targetpoint.Size = Vector3.new(0.2, 0.2, 0.2) targetpoint.Transparency = 1 targetpoint.Parent = container targetpoint.CFrame = CFrame.new(v) targetpointreference = Instance.new("ObjectValue") targetpointreference.Value = targetpoint targetpointreference.Name = "Reference" targetpointreference.Parent = nodeLocation end end end