I would like to say, before I do this, that this is not a request site. I will help you out because You may not have read or understood that. In return though, I would like you to read and analyze the script, so you never have to ask this again. Thank You
Here is the script.
01 | InputService = game:GetService( "UserInputService" ) |
02 | local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer |
03 | plr.CharacterAdded:Wait() |
04 | plr.Character:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" ) |
05 | local char = plr.Character |
06 | local hum = char.Humanoid |
09 | InputService.InputBegan:Connect( function () |
10 | local actionKey = Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift |
11 | local keysPressed = InputService:GetKeysPressed() |
12 | for _, key in ipairs (keysPressed) do |
13 | if (key.KeyCode = = actionKey) then |
16 | InputService.InputEnded:Connect( function () |
Additional Notes-
-You must use a Local Script and put It in StarterPlayerScripts.
-Try to mess with It and make something cool out of it
-Please don't request Code on this site, and Instead request help with your code.
-Have Fun