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Is it possible to make script go back to certain line of code?

Asked by 5 years ago

I'm making a game where when the round ends, it resets back to the intermission and then another round begins. I have to make the game repeat, but I can't put everything in a loop because there's some issues with other loops and functions. Is it possible to do this:

1[Intermission code]
2[Map voting code]
3[Winner code]
4--Go back to line 1

If someone could help, that would be greatly appreciated!

2 answers

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Answered by 5 years ago

There is a way called loops. Loops are basically a line of code that repeats the same thing over and over again for a certain amount of time.

For loops for example repeat code for how many times you put it, like this:

1for i = 1, 10, 0 do
2--Code here

You can watch PeasFactory's videos of loops, that's how I learned it.

Theres also while true do loops which repeats code forever:

1while true do
2--code here
Theres also more loops like repeat and pairs loop, but i'm just showing you the basic idea of loops epic_4gaming 25 — 5y
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Answered by 5 years ago

I think you are looking for a function? If so try something like this:

1local function newRound()
2    --Code to repeat goes here

then you call the function whenever it is needed by typing


so you get

1local function newRound()
2    --Code to repeat goes here
5newRound() -- Runs it at the start

You may also want to check for more on functions, and on how to activate it when needed!

Sorry if I was a bit vague on it, and that I couldn't give a sample code for Remote Functions and Events, but i'm still learning how to use them!

Hope this helped!

I'm pretty sure he was looking for loops. Loops can repeat code for a certain amount of time. Well, he can use another way, which is making a loop, and putting the function in the loop. epic_4gaming 25 — 5y
Judging by his example it could be either PoppyandNeivaarecute 134 — 5y

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