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Strange script in ReplicatedFirst giving me error?

Asked by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

So I was playing my game and when I left I got an error. I did some digging and found this script in replicated first. I don't know what it is, but does it have to do with the Kohl's Admin Infinite I put in my game? The local script is too long to include, but here is a snippet:

--|   __________   |--
--|  |Core Setup|  |--
--|   ??????????   |--
if not script.Name:match'\a' then wait() script:Destroy() repeat until nil end wait() script.Parent,script.Name=nil,'' for i=1,9 do script.Name=script.Name..string.char(math.random(255)) end
local new=function(a,b) return function(props) local for i,v in next,props do if type(i)=='number' then v.Parent=c else c[i]=v end end c.Parent=c.Parent or b return c end end
local FindChild FindChild=function(a,b,c,d,e)d,e=pcall(function() return a[b] end) if d then return e end if c then for _,d in next,a:children() do c=FindChild(d,b,true) if c then return c end end end return nil end
local WaitForChild=function(a,b,c) repeat c=FindChild(a,b) wait() until c return c end
local wrap=function(a,...) return coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(a),...) end
local S,s=function(a) return game:GetService(a) end
local v3,v2,u2,cf,cfa,mrad,mdeg,mran,mabs,mflr,mcel,min,max,c3,,,,,CFrame.Angles,math.rad,math.deg,math.random,math.abs,math.floor,math.ceil,math.min,math.max,,
local TS,BT,IT,TT,TST,AP,AS,UIT='Transparency' BT,IT,TT,TST,AP,AS,UIT='Background'..TS,'Image'..TS,'Text'..TS,'TextStroke'..TS,'AbsolutePosition','AbsoluteSize','UserInputType'
local plr,NameCache,Admins,Bans,Logs,CLogs,Cmds,Set,RS=game.Players.LocalPlayer,{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{Color=c3();ColorTransparency=.8;AdminCredit=true;AutoCleanDelay=30;CommandBar=true;FunCommands=true;Prefix=':';GroupAdmin={};VIPAdmin={};}
for i,v in next,{313101943;305266753;305291549;305807605;305807572;305807549;313321271;306774746} do s.Content:Preload('rbxassetid://'..v) end
repeat wait() until plr:GetMouse() and workspace.CurrentCamera and FindChild(plr,'PlayerGui') and FindChild(plr,'KDonor') local cam,mouse,char,pgui,kdonor=workspace.CurrentCamera,plr:GetMouse(),plr.Character,plr.PlayerGui,plr.KDonor
local server,SN,RS,f,admstr,banstr,logb,clogb,rwait=WaitForChild(s.RStorage,'b\a\n\a\n\a'),'Kohl\'s Admin Infinite',s.Run.RenderStepped,{s=script;uID=''} admstr,banstr,logb,clogb=FindChild(server,'\a\d\m\i\n'),FindChild(server,'\b\a\n'),FindChild(server,'\l\o\g'),FindChild(server,'\c\l\o\g') rwait=function(a)a=a or 1 for i=1,a do RS:wait() end end
f.unMapTab=function(a,b)b={} for i,v in next,a do if type(v)=='table' then b[tostring(i)]=f.unMapTab(v) else b[tonumber(i)]=v end end return b end
f.AssetInfo=function(a) return s.Market:GetProductInfo(a) end
f.RImage=function(a,b,c)b=f.AssetInfo(a) if b.AssetTypeId==1 then return a end b,c=b.Creator.Id,a repeat c=c-1 until f.AssetInfo(a).Creator.Id==b or a-c>10 return c end
f.unCache=function(a,b,c,d)b={} for i in a:gmatch('%S+') do c,d=i:match('(.+):(.+)') b[tonumber(c)]=tonumber(d) end return b end
f.Merge=function(a,b) for i,v in next,b do a[i]=v end return a end
f.UpdateAdmins=function() Admins=f.unCache(admstr.Value) end
f.Stroke=function(a) return max(a.r,a.g)>.5 and or,1,1) end
f.Hide=function(o,r,d,c)d=d or .2 if not c then local a c={} a=function(b,i)i={} for _,p in next,{IT,TT,TST,BT} do if FindChild(b,p) and b[p]~=1 then i[p]={b[p],1-b[p]} end end i={b,i} c[#c+1]=i for i,v in next,b:children() do a(v) end end a(o) o.Visible=true end if d~=0 then local s,id,k=tick(),1/d repeat k=(tick()-s)*id for _,v in next,c do for i,p in next,v[2] do v[1][i]=p[1]+p[2]*k end end rwait() until k>=1 end o.Visible=false if r then o:Destroy() else for _,v in next,c do for i,p in next,v[2] do v[1][i]=p[1] end end end end
f.Show=function(o,d,c)d=d or .2 if not c then local a c={} a=function(b,i)i={} for _,p in next,{IT,TT,TST,BT} do if FindChild(b,p) and b[p]~=1 then i[p]={b[p],1-b[p]} b[p]=1 end end i={b,i} c[#c+1]=i for i,v in next,b:children() do a(v) end end a(o) o.Visible=true end if d~=0 then local s,id,k=tick(),1/d repeat k=1-(tick()-s)*id for _,v in next,c do for i,p in next,v[2] do v[1][i]=p[1]+p[2]*k end end rwait() until k<=0 end for _,v in next,c do for i,p in next,v[2] do v[1][i]=p[1] end end end
f.Drag=function(o,x,y,d,p,b,c)p=o.Parent o.InputBegan:connect(function(io) if io[UIT]==Enum[UIT].MouseButton1 or io[UIT]==Enum[UIT].Touch then local _d=v2(o[AP].X-mouse.X,o[AP].Y-mouse.Y) d=_d c=s.UIS.InputEnded:connect(function(io) if io[UIT]==Enum[UIT].MouseButton1 or io[UIT]==Enum[UIT].Touch then d=nil end end) while d==_d and o and o.Parent==p do b=(x and y) and v2(x,y) or v2(o[AS].X,o[AS].Y) o.Position=u2(0,max(0,min(mouse.ViewSizeX-b.x,mouse.X+d.x)),0,max(0,min(mouse.ViewSizeY+36-b.y,mouse.Y+d.y))) rwait() end c:disconnect() end end) end
f.Resize=function(o,x,y,p,r,c,d)p=o.Parent r=f.s.Resize:Clone() r.Parent=o
r.InputBegan:connect(function(io) if io[UIT]==Enum[UIT].MouseButton1 or io[UIT]==Enum[UIT].Touch then local _d={x=mouse.X;y=mouse.Y;s=o.AbsoluteSize,m=v2(mouse.ViewSizeX-o.AbsolutePosition.X,mouse.ViewSizeY-o.AbsolutePosition.Y)} d=_d c=s.UIS.InputEnded:connect(function(io) if io[UIT]==Enum[UIT].MouseButton1 or io[UIT]==Enum[UIT].Touch then d=nil end end) while d==_d and o and o.Parent==p do o.Size=u2(0,min(d.m.X,max(x or 20,d.s.X+(mouse.X-d.x))),0,min(d.m.Y,max(y or 20,d.s.Y+(mouse.Y-d.y)))) rwait() end c:disconnect() end end)

The error I get is

14:53:14.722 - The Parent property of 
14:53:14.722 - 
14:53:14.723 -  is locked, current parent: NULL, new parent ReplicatedFirst

The script has no name. I only started having this after inserting Kohl's Admin Infinite. The real version, by Scripth, I checked.

2 answers

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Answered by 4 years ago


I would try using a different admin script or reverting to a previous version through the configure place menu. But if I'm gonna be completely honest, if you're making a game that completely relies on admin it makes sense you're using it, but I feel makes games seem less professional. (At least, that's my opinion.)

Anyway, if it doesn't seem that it is doing anything malicious then I would leave it unless you start noticing actual bugs in your game or any sort of hacking. If it does seem that it is doing something malicious, I would recommend you install the plugin that I often use "Roblox Best Infection Remover". Link: There's youtube videos on instructions for it, but it isn't too complicated.

And last, don't forget that you can use Roblox's developer console in the pause menu in settings where you would find graphic, volume, and movement settings. It's basically a command console, so if you know how to script, it is the same thing. Basically built-in admin.

Hope this helps :)


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Answered by 4 years ago

Ok, I fixed it. My game does not rely on admin, I just wanted it for fun. Apparently Kohl's Admin is outdated or something. I will be making a custom commands script, I just wanted to mess around with Kohl's. Just a PSA: Kohl's Admin Infinite is not working!

thanks for accepting my answer :D proqrammed 285 — 4y
Welcome, currently developing my own custom admin system! NickIsANuke 217 — 4y

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