I remember being able to do this, although I forgot. How do I teleport a model to another position?
You can use :SetPrimaryPartCFrame()
, you can easily make a CFrame from the other position using CFrame.new(newPosition)
Note: While SetPrimaryPartCFrame does it's job, after a while you can notice parts not being at the right offset anymore (However this does take a while). If you want to ignore this fact you can designate 1 part (for example the PrimaryPart) to be moved using it's own CFrame or position and welding all the parts in the model to the PrimaryPart. That can potentially solve the issues.
This is my script:
1 | wait( 7 ) |
2 | local copy = game.ServerStorage.Nuke:Clone() |
3 | copy.Parent = game.Workspace |
4 | copy:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(script.Parent.Position) |