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Is it possible if I could detect if they is a character or word in a text box? (solved)

Asked by
raid6n 2196 Moderation Voter Community Moderator
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

This question has been solved by the original poster.

I know this isn't a request site and that this should be a question, but is it possible to detect if there is a character in a text box. Like the text box is labeled "words are fun", I want to see if the script can detect if "words" is in the text or maybe if i type "a b c" im looking for a and it will print if we find a

im sorry that this question isnt valid

just a yes or no and explanation why please raid6n 2196 — 5y

1 answer

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Answered by
raid6n 2196 Moderation Voter Community Moderator
5 years ago

Just after a quick research, I found the answer!!!!!!

string.lower will help.


1local str = "Roblox is a cool game"
2str = str:lower()
4if str:find("roblox") then
5   print("found it in string")

output = found it in string

Nice :) ffancyaxax12 181 — 5y

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