So I'm making an old computer game and I'm trying to make it so it changes the icon when you hover over it and drag it.
01 | --LOCAL SCRIPT-- |
02 |
03 | frame = script.Parent |
04 | frame.Draggable = true |
05 | frame.Active = true |
06 | frame.Selectable = true |
07 | local button = script.Parent.Close |
08 | local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse() |
09 |
10 | button.MouseButton 1 Click:Connect( function () |
11 | frame.Visible = false |
12 | end ) |
13 |
14 | frame.MouseEnter:Connect( function () |
15 | mouse.Icon = 'rbxassetid://4659826010' |