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"Unable to cast value to std::string" when looking for player?

Asked by 4 years ago

Made a ModuleScript for presenting a player with a choice. My game worked fine until it got to running the following code:

local c = {

But, currently, the script gives:

13:09:04.619 - Unable to cast value to std::string
13:09:04.630 - Stack Begin
13:09:04.664 - Script 'ServerScriptService.ChoiceScript', Line 12 - method PromptChoice
13:09:04.665 - Script 'ServerScriptService.Script', Line 12
13:09:04.667 - Stack End

What's wrong with the module script? For reference, here it is:

local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
local instructionMessages = {
    ["mobile"] = "press an option with your finger",
    ["gamepad"] = "press View, then nagivate to an option with the Left Stick and press A",
    ["computer"] = "click an option with your mouse/touchpad"
local wrapper = "(To make your choice, %s. Choose wisely!)"
local module = {}

function module.PromptChoice(player, caption, choices, identifier)
    local id = ""
    local playerA = game:GetService("Players"):WaitForChild(player)
    if playerA == nil or playerA.Parent == nil then
        error("Player does not exist")
        return false
    if identifier == nil or identifier == '' then
        id = identifier
        id = math.random(1,2000)
    local json = http:JSONEncode(choices)
    local gui = script.ChoiceGui:Clone()
    local event ="RemoteEvent")
    event.Name = player.."Choice"
    event.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage
    gui.EventObject.Value = event
    gui.JSONChoices.Value = json
    gui.Caption.Text = caption
    gui.Instructions.Text = string.format(wrapper,instructionMessages[player.input.Value])

    gui.Parent = playerA.PlayerGui

        local GoodToDo = false
        for i=1,#choices do
            if choices[i] == choice then
                GoodToDo = true
        if not GoodToDo then
            playerA:Kick("Don't know why you'd want to exploit on a game like this? Lol")
        return choice

return module

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Answered by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

The issue is the way you're calling your module's function. You need to fire the function with . not :

Module.PromptChoice('KicksForTricks56', 'Services', c, 'ServiceChoice')

When you use the : instead, it autodeclares a self value. Therefore:

Module:PromptChoice('KicksForTricks56', 'Services', c, 'ServiceChoice')
--Is the same as
Module.PromptChoice(Module, 'KicksForTricks56', 'Services', c, 'ServiceChoice')

This is causing a problem because when you try to use the player argument you passed, thinking it's equal to KicksForTricks56, it's really equal to your module.

Thanks for your answer! KicksForTricks56 36 — 4y

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