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How to fix hair from detaching of characters head?

Asked by 5 years ago

Hello, I have been recently been experiencing a problem with animating cause when I try rotating the torso it somehow appears to just leave the hair in place and it is a mesh can you help me I am scripting and animating for a ninja game project and I need help!

can you post the script TheRealPotatoChips 793 — 5y
Is the hair in an accessory? Is the handle of the accessory anchored? Maybe turn cancollide to false Despayr 505 — 5y
Took long enough to accept my answer lol- PrismaticFruits 842 — 4y
lolll TheQuitzzyKadren 29 — 4y

1 answer

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Answered by 5 years ago

I would recommend to just unanchor the hair but make sure it has a weld connecting it to the head.

If this helped please accept this answer.

thanks this worked i know this was months ago but this still happens to me its now that i realized that i didnt weld the hair to the actual head thanks a lot! TheQuitzzyKadren 29 — 4y

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