I am trying to make an FPS and need the players to spawn in the normal morph that say a guest would spawn with. I know games like Call of Robloxia have this and what he has is kinda what I want. I know how to script and edit scripts, just not a pro. Is there any like parts that I would need to consider.
game:GetService('Players').PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) player.CharacterAdded:connect(function(character) local s = character:FindFirstChild("Shirt") local p = character:FindFirstChild("Pants") s:Destroy() p:Destroy() local shirt = Instance.new("Shirt", character) local pants = Instance.new("Pants", character) shirt = "shirt template linkie link" --Shirt AssetId pants = "pants template linkie link" --Pants AssetId end) end)
This is just something I found in free models, but this changes you shirt and pants, where as I need the morphs, so I'm guesssing not too much needs to be changed here.