Can you tell me why this isn't working?
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService") local store = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("PLSHELP") local function leaderstat(plr) local leader ="Folder") leader.Name = "leaderstats" leader.Parent = plr local lettrboyos ="IntValue") lettrboyos.Name = "Letters" lettrboyos.Parent = plr.leaderstats lettrboyos.Value = DataStoreService:GetAsync(plr.UserID) or 0 DataStoreService:SetAsync(plr.UserID,lettrboyos.Value) lettrboyos.Value.Changed:Connect(function() DataStoreService:SetAsync(plr.UserID,lettrboyos.Value) end) local heartstaken ="IntValue") heartstaken.Name = "Hearts" heartstaken.Parent = plr.leaderstats heartstaken.Value = DataStoreService:GetAsync(plr.UserID) or 0 DataStoreService:SetAsync(plr.UserID,heartstaken.Value) heartstaken.Value.Changed:Connect(function() DataStoreService:SetAsync(plr.UserID,heartstaken.Value) end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function() DataStoreService:SetAsync(plr.UserID,lettrboyos.Value) DataStoreService:SetAsync(plr.UserID,heartstaken.Value) end) end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(leaderstat)
If you want create a real DataBase, check this script have make for you.
local PlayerService = game:GetService('Players') local RunService = game:GetService('RunService') local HttpService = game:GetService('HttpService') local DataStoreService = game:GetService('DataStoreService') local Store = DataStoreService:GetDataStore('PLSHELP') local SessionData = {} -- Here you can stock the datas session of your current player PlayerService.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) -- You can put the function directly in the connection. local cid = plr.UserId SessionData[cid] = { -- Create a session data = { lettrboyos = 0 -- Set the value per default to 0 }, update_lst ='BindableEvent'), -- To update your leaderstats save_function = nil -- To save your data } if not RunService:IsStudio() then -- Check if you're run on Studio because DataStore doesn't working on Studio. local get_store = Store:GetAsync(cid) -- get store if get_store ~= nil and type(get_store) == 'string' then pcall(function() local decode = HttpService:JSONDecode(get_store) if type(decode) == 'table' then SessionData[cid].data = decode -- You have retry your data congrats! end end) end end local lst ='Folder', plr) lst.Name = 'leaderstats' local lttbs ='IntValue', lst) lttbs.Name = 'letter' SessionData[cid].update_lst.Event:Connect(function() lttbs.Value = SessionData[cid].data.lettrboyos -- set your value end) SessionData[cid].save_function = function() if not RunService:IsStudio() then pcall(function() Store:SetAsync(cid, HttpService:JSONEncode(SessionData[cid].data)) -- Here we use JSONEncode to tranforme table to string, because DataStore can't save tables. end) end end SessionData[cid].data.lettrboyos = 10 SessionData[cid].update_lst:Fire() SessionData[cid].save_function() -- Saving end) PlayerService.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(plr) local cid = plr.UserId SessionData[cid].save_function() -- Saving end) spawn(function() -- Create a new coroutine while wait(60) do -- Save players data all 60 secondes ago. for i, v in next, SessionData do if type(v) == 'table' and v['save_function'] ~= nil then -- verification step v.save_function() end end end end)
Now if you want share SessionData with all script you can use _G to create a Global Varaible than all script can use.
local SessionData = {} -- Here you can stock the datas session of your current player _G.ProfileData = SessionData
You can find this variable like that with other script
local ProfileData = (function() repeat wait() if _G.ProfileData ~= nil then return _G.ProfileData end until _G.ProfileData -- waiting _G.ProfileData was be created end)()
To learn more about this script