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How to face object towards an object with CFrame?

Asked by
aredanks 117
5 years ago

I want to rotate an object towards something but I have little knowledge on whatever math is required to do it in CFrame. There is a simple way which is however said by the wiki to be deprecated where you use CFrame(object1, object2) but now its recommended to use CFrame.fromMatrix. However, I don't know how to utilize CFrame.fromMatrix correctly.

I presume that LookVector will be used or a unit vector.

--example variables (aka probably use this in ur answer to help me)

local object1 = workspace.Object1
local object2 = workspace.Object2

If you can answer, please explain any math behind it if you can! Should be easy to answer.

I actually made a module that contains this function. Check it out here: programmerHere 371 — 5y

1 answer

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Answered by 5 years ago

The wiki does say that it is deprecated, however you can use something similiar


to make object1 face towards object2's position.


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