Hello Bros i made a game where i got my own inventory and when i unequip my accessory i want to load character when "Unequip" is clicked where should i add here? thanks in advance.
local dataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService") local HatsData = dataStore:GetDataStore("HatDataSavingg") local module = {}
local currency = script:WaitForChild("Settings"):WaitForChild("Currency") local maxhats = script:WaitForChild("Settings"):WaitForChild("MaxEquippableHats") local cansavehats = false local alredysavedhats = true
function module.loadhats(player)
local maxhats = Instance.new("IntValue",player) maxhats.Name = "maxHats" maxhats.Value = script:WaitForChild("Settings"):WaitForChild("MaxEquippableHats").Value local maxhatsinv = Instance.new("IntValue",player) maxhatsinv.Name = "maxHatsInv" maxhatsinv.Value = script:WaitForChild("Settings"):WaitForChild("MaxHatStorage").Value local HatsFolder = Instance.new("Folder",player) HatsFolder.Name = "Hats" local HatsTable = {} local function dataload() HatsTable = HatsData:GetAsync(player.UserId) end local sucess, err = pcall(dataload) if sucess then if not HatsTable or #HatsTable == 0 then alredysavedhats = false end local num1 = 1 local num2 = 2 local num3 = 3 local num4 = 4
if HatsTable then if #HatsTable >0 then for i = 1, #HatsTable / 4 do
local hat = Instance.new("BoolValue",HatsFolder) hat.Name = HatsTable[num1] hat.Value = HatsTable[num2] local hatimage = Instance.new("NumberValue",hat) hatimage.Name = "ImageID" hatimage.Value = HatsTable[num3] local hatrarity = Instance.new("StringValue", hat) hatrarity.Name = "Rarity" hatrarity.Value = HatsTable[num4] if num4 == #HatsTable then cansavehats = true end num1 = num1 + 4 num2 = num1 + 1 num3 = num1 + 2 num4 = num1 + 3 end end
print("Error while loading: "..err)
player:Kick("Failed to load your data!")
--Save Hats function module.savehats(player) if cansavehats == true or alredysavedhats == false then
local HatsTableSave = {} for i,v in pairs(player:WaitForChild("Hats"):GetChildren()) do table.insert(HatsTableSave, v.Name) table.insert(HatsTableSave, v.Value) table.insert(HatsTableSave, v:WaitForChild("ImageID").Value) table.insert(HatsTableSave, v:WaitForChild("Rarity").Value) end local function checking() HatsData:SetAsync(player.UserId, HatsTableSave) end local sucess, err = pcall(checking) if sucess then else print("Error while saving: "..err) local plr = player module.savehats(plr) end end
function module.PlrJoinedAddHat(player) for i,v in pairs(player:WaitForChild("Hats"):GetChildren())do if v.Value == true then local clone = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("Hats"):WaitForChild(v.Name):Clone() clone.Name = v.Name
local object = Instance.new("ObjectValue",v) object.Name = "Object" object.Value = clone repeat wait() until game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(player.Name) local char = game.Workspace:WaitForChild(player.Name) char:WaitForChild("Humanoid"):AddAccessory(clone) end end
function module.deletehat(player,hat) hat:Destroy() end
function module.equipunequip(player,state,hat) if state == "Unequip" then hat.Value = false hat:WaitForChild("Object").Value:Destroy() hat:WaitForChild("Object"):Destroy()
elseif state == "Equip" then hat.Value = true local clone = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("Hats"):WaitForChild(hat.Name):Clone() clone.Name = hat.Name local object = Instance.new("ObjectValue",hat) object.Name = "Object" object.Value = clone repeat wait() until game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(player.Name) local char = game.Workspace:WaitForChild(player.Name) char:WaitForChild("Humanoid"):AddAccessory(clone) end
local hats = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("Hats") function getRandomRarity(hatshop) local tempRarityTable = {} for _, i in ipairs(hatshop:WaitForChild("Rarities"):GetChildren()) do for p = 0, i.Value do table.insert(tempRarityTable, i.name) end end return tempRarityTable[math.random(#tempRarityTable)] end
function getRandomHatByRarity(rarity) local tempTable = {} for _, i in ipairs(hats:GetChildren()) do if i:WaitForChild("Rarity").Value == rarity then table.insert(tempTable, i) end end return tempTable[math.random(#tempTable)] end
function module.buyhat(plr, hatshop, amount) if hatshop == nil then return end
local price = hatshop:WaitForChild("Price").Value if plr:WaitForChild("leaderstats"):WaitForChild(currency.Value).Value >= price then if #plr:WaitForChild("Hats"):GetChildren() + amount > script:WaitForChild("Settings"):WaitForChild("MaxHatStorage").Value then return "Not enough space" end plr:WaitForChild("leaderstats"):WaitForChild(currency.Value).Value = plr:WaitForChild("leaderstats"):WaitForChild(currency.Value).Value - price local hatsOpened = {} for i = 1, amount do local rarity = getRandomRarity(hatshop) local hat = getRandomHatByRarity(rarity) local hatAdd = Instance.new("BoolValue",plr:WaitForChild("Hats")) hatAdd.Name = hat.Name hatAdd.Value = false local rarit = Instance.new("StringValue",hatAdd) rarit.Name = "Rarity" rarit.Value = rarity local imageid = Instance.new("NumberValue",hatAdd) imageid.Name = "ImageID" imageid.Value = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("Hats"):WaitForChild(hat.Name):WaitForChild("ImageID").Value table.insert(hatsOpened, hatAdd.Name) table.insert(hatsOpened, rarit.Value) table.insert(hatsOpened, imageid.Value) end return hatsOpened else return "Insufficient Funds" end
return module