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How do I disable and enable a Gui button?

Asked by 5 years ago

I'm making a Gui that Tweens 2 Frames at different intervals. When the player presses the Gui activation button too fast the Frames become messed up. So I need to be able to disable the activation button for just a few moments. Any Idea on how to do that?

1 answer

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Answered by 5 years ago
local Debounce, Delay = true, 5 -- Vars

    if Debounce then -- Checks if boolean is true
        print(1) -- Our code to run
        Debounce = false 
        wait(Delay) -- Delay runs
        Debounce = true

This is called a debounce, this is very useful for many things and especially for your case here If this helps make sure to tell me! Have a great day..

OMG! lol I completely forgot about that! Yep worked, thank ya! ffancyaxax12 181 — 5y
no problem, glad i could help. User#31525 30 — 5y

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