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how can i make an on touch exchange leaderstats script?

Asked by 5 years ago

I am currently creating a game with very little scripting knowledge, I need a script for on touching an object it exchanges each individual "Gamerscore" for one "Cash" (i have made the stats) but i dont know how to script it. anyone who could point me in the right direction or even write it's help is appreciated, if you dont know what i mean im trying to make a simulator where you stand in the rings and i clears one stat and turns it into another you can use as currency, thanks

Look it up, try something, if and when you encounter an unsolvable and specific problem, then ask for help. Benbebop 1049 — 5y
If you don’t quite know where to look YouTube videos would be the best for beginners. Benbebop 1049 — 5y
there's nothing on the topic anywhere THELFCMAN 9 — 5y

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