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Having issues with a Blender situation for Roblox, please help?!

Asked by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

So I've been trying to import an item from blender into Roblox, all textured.

It looks like this in Blender, which is what I'd want:

However, when I open it up in Roblox, it looks like this:

Any help would be appreciated, thanks. I'm basically making it look like it is in Blender with two colours, not just one.

Are you sure you have your texture applied? It looks like you just have the Color changed. Tyler090130 619 — 5y

2 answers

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Answered by
ghxstlvty 133
5 years ago

This happened with me too, just look up how to texture bake on YouTube. That will be sure to fix your problem, as it worked for me.

I started working with just Vertex Painting instead, seems better for me right now. But thanks for the tip! studiepies 0 — 5y
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Answered by 4 years ago

You will have to create two separate meshes - one for the tree stump at the bottom and one for the leaves for the top.

The way you've coloured in your tree in blender is what you desire and is correct - but keep in mind that Roblox treats that one tree as one part, not two parts so that's why the tree you inserted into Roblox is all green instead of two colours (green + brown)

Hope this helps.

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