I'm trying to make a comma in a number (250436186) but I want it to say 250,436,186. I know I can use If statements, But I want like the text to change...
Heres what I got (With IF STATEMENTS)
local Text = game.Workspace.Sign.Gui.TEXT if Text.Text == "250436186" then Text.Text = "250,436,186" end
But What if I wanted a For i statement? That's what I'm trying...
Heres what I got
local Text = game.Workspace.Sign.Gui.TEXT for i = 1000,600000000,554 do if i ~= 1 then Text.Text = i end wait(0.01) end
I'm trying to add a comma into The I statement That's all I'm doing...
Marked as Duplicate by LukeSmasher, DeveloperSolo, and hiimgoodpack
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