I was trying to make a gun with a bayonet and i wanted it to do damage, the script I have in it is called "BayonetScript"
r = game:service("RunService") local damage = 7 local slash_damage = 15 local lunge_damage = 45 sword = script.Parent.Handle Tool = script.Parent local SlashSound = Instance.new("Sound") SlashSound.SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds\\swordslash.wav" SlashSound.Parent = sword SlashSound.Volume = .7 local LungeSound = Instance.new("Sound") LungeSound.SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds\\swordlunge.wav" LungeSound.Parent = sword LungeSound.Volume = .6 local UnsheathSound = Instance.new("Sound") UnsheathSound.SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds\\unsheath.wav" UnsheathSound.Parent = sword UnsheathSound.Volume = 1 function DarkKill(character, humanoid, attacker) if (character:FindFirstChild("ForceField") ~= nil) then return end local childs = character:GetChildren() local colors = {} tagHumanoid(humanoid, attacker) humanoid.Health = 0 for i=1,#childs do if (childs[i].className == "Part") then colors[i] = childs[i].BrickColor childs[i].BrickColor = BrickColor.new(26) childs[i].CanCollide = true childs[i].Anchored = true end end wait(.25) for i=1,#childs do if (childs[i].className == "Part") then local b = Instance.new("BodyVelocity") b.velocity = Vector3.new(math.random() - .5, 0, math.random() - .5).unit * 80 b.maxForce = Vector3.new(1e5,1e5,1e5) b.Parent = childs[i] end end for i=1,#childs do if (childs[i].className == "Part") then childs[i].Anchored = false end end end function blow(hit) local humanoid = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Monster") local vCharacter = Tool.Parent local vPlayer = game.Players:playerFromCharacter(vCharacter) local hum = vCharacter:findFirstChild("Humanoid") -- non-nil if tool held by a character if humanoid~=nil and humanoid ~= hum and hum ~= nil then -- final check, make sure sword is in-hand local right_arm = vCharacter:FindFirstChild("Right Arm") if (right_arm ~= nil) then local joint = right_arm:FindFirstChild("RightGrip") if (joint ~= nil and (joint.Part0 == sword or joint.Part1 == sword)) then hum.Health = hum.Health + (damage * .5) if humanoid.Health > damage then tagHumanoid(humanoid, vPlayer) humanoid:TakeDamage(damage) wait(1) untagHumanoid(humanoid) else DarkKill(humanoid.Parent, humanoid, vPlayer) end end end end end function tagHumanoid(humanoid, player) local creator_tag = Instance.new("ObjectValue") creator_tag.Value = player creator_tag.Name = "creator" creator_tag.Parent = humanoid end function untagHumanoid(humanoid) if humanoid ~= nil then local tag = humanoid:findFirstChild("creator") if tag ~= nil then tag.Parent = nil end end end function attack() damage = slash_damage SlashSound:play() local anim = Instance.new("StringValue") anim.Name = "toolanim" anim.Value = "Slash" anim.Parent = Tool end function lunge() damage = lunge_damage LungeSound:play() local anim = Instance.new("StringValue") anim.Name = "toolanim" anim.Value = "Lunge" anim.Parent = Tool force = Instance.new("BodyVelocity") force.velocity = Vector3.new(0,10,0) --Tool.Parent.Torso.CFrame.lookVector * 80 force.Parent = Tool.Parent.Torso wait(.25) swordOut() wait(.25) force.Parent = nil wait(.5) swordUp() damage = slash_damage end function swordUp() Tool.GripForward = Vector3.new(-1,0,0) Tool.GripRight = Vector3.new(0,1,0) Tool.GripUp = Vector3.new(0,0,1) end function swordOut() Tool.GripForward = Vector3.new(0,0,1) Tool.GripRight = Vector3.new(0,-1,0) Tool.GripUp = Vector3.new(-1,0,0) end function swordAcross() -- parry end Tool.Enabled = true local last_attack = 0 function onActivated() if not Tool.Enabled then return end Tool.Enabled = false local character = Tool.Parent; local humanoid = character.Humanoid if humanoid == nil then print("Humanoid not found") return end t = r.Stepped:wait() if (t - last_attack < .2) then lunge() else attack() end last_attack = t --wait(.5) Tool.Enabled = true end function onEquipped() UnsheathSound:play() end script.Parent.Activated:connect(onActivated) script.Parent.Equipped:connect(onEquipped) connection = sword.Touched:connect(blow)
I think you need to delete the "--" from every green text, because green text means normal test not script.