I've seen in 100's of virus models some script that requires a module, and in that module is some obfuscated script like this
My question is, how would i dump the constants of it? I've seen someone else do it in a question I had a while back about an obfuscated script
Fortunately this isn't a secure obfuscated script, but you aren't able to get variable names and the such. Just grab your favorite bytecode interpereter and run the script through it!
I kindly dumped the script for you. (Linked)
1337 game Players PlayerAdded Connect 1337 GetJoinData SourcePlaceId game GetService TeleportService 4563334538 TeleportData Req req IsFriendsWith 1388241094 require load Name Players placeId PlaceId maxPlrs NumPlayers Teleport
Just reply if this is the wrong script.
Just use roblox function but make sure to turn on ‘LoadStringEnabled’ in game.ServerScriptService and use loadstring(code here)()