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What causes this error?

Asked by
ipiano 120
10 years ago

Since early today, I've been getting this error when I try to add players in a test server:

SendData: BitStream string write: String too long: 218178

The player then is not added. What causes this? I don't know what I did to cause it. Additionally, I uploaded the place, and it doesn't seem to be an issue there; I can connect to it fine.

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Answered by
BlueTaslem 18071 Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator Super Administrator
10 years ago

I believe this is caused by too-large CSG objects. Try making your objects less complicated.

I don't know if it actually reduces complexity, but it might be possible to just make two copies of an object, and then cut it in half, using each half instead of the whole thing.

Is CSG the new modling thing? I only have two parts that are from that, one is a union of 3 small parts, and the other is a union of 4 small parts. ipiano 120 — 10y
Thats strange BlueTaslem 18071 — 10y

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