I need help with position/cframe stuff?
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5 years ago Edited 5 years ago
Let's start off with I'm really bad with cframe and position stuff, i've made a gate that opens & closes but because i'm not really a genius i made it for a specific position the problem with this is that if i put the gate somewhere else it won't work, so i need help to make it use the position of the gate and lower it , then lift it!
Current script:
01 | local TweenService = game:GetService( "TweenService" ) |
02 | local tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new( |
04 | Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, |
05 | Enum.EasingDirection.Out, |
12 | local tween = TweenService:Create(gate, tweenInfo, { Position = Vector 3. new( 53.315 , 14.45 , 46.329 ) } ) |
21 | local tween = TweenService:Create(gate, tweenInfo, { Position = Vector 3. new( 53.315 , 4.795 , 46.329 ) } ) |
I didn't include some stuff in the script such as the remote event and the part that says where the gate is cause it's pretty useless, the gate is a part.