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Data that is teleported to another place comes back to the starter place when the player leaves?

Asked by
bluzorro 417 Moderation Voter
5 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

Basically, you were teleported from the starter place (place A) to another place (we'll call it B) in the same universe with data. Afterwards, the player leaves place B. How would I save the data in place B, and call it in place A?

It works with datastore, if you use character slots, use teleport service to transfer the current slot you chose to the other place. Watch this video to see how to transfer stuff through tp. St_vnC 330 — 5y

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Answered by 5 years ago

I'm pretty sure not automatically, but you can send the new data back to the menu when you are being teleported back. There's quite some documentation on teleport service, so you may want to take a look at that.

Happy Holidays! :D

not what i was looking for, but thanks either way. bluzorro 417 — 5y
What were you looking for? sorry and thanks for the accept proqrammed 285 — 5y
I want to help. proqrammed 285 — 5y
basically, you were teleported from the start place to another place in the same universe with some data. will that data that was transported go back to the start place? bluzorro 417 — 5y
I don't think so. But what you could do is to save a player's data before they quit, you send them back to the main menu with the new data, then they quit. But that's just an idea proqrammed 285 — 5y

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