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Tool Grip

Asked by 11 years ago

For my scripting I am making a tool I have no clue how to use the 'grip' at all. It all seems Very complex Can anyone explain it to me.

This doesn't seem related to scripting... Freemium 110 — 11y

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Answered by
MrNicNac 855 Moderation Voter
11 years ago

The Grip properties are columns of a rotation matrix. If you don't know about that, then I'ma learn you somethin'

You know what lookVector is? It's the direction the front surface of a part is facing. Did you also know that lookVector is the negative Z column of a matrix? Let's go over a bit.


That's a CFrame value, right? Does it look confusing? Maybe. Maybe not. Anyways, you know that the first three numbers are position and somehow the next 9 make up rotation.

Do not try to compare or contrast them with Euler's three angles. You'll die or something.

Rewrite the last nine in a 3x3 matrix.


Mmkay. Check out how that looks. Still confusing.? Read this in columns (up to down and not left to right).

Here is the big picture. Imagine all these as different "lookVectors." The first column is


The first column is also the direction the x axis is oriented (pointed)

So this means that the right surface of the part will be looking in the direction of 1,0,0.

Now, do the next on your own in your head. What do you notice? The second column is 0,1,0. It's the direction of the Y axis. So, on a new part it is facing directly upwards. All makes sense, right?

However, the last column is not the direction of the front surface. It is the direction of the back surface. So the back surface will be facing 0,0,1. However, when you see it in the GripForward it will be 0,0,-1.

Because the front is opposite of the back, obviously?

Anyways, that is the explanation of the Grip properties. They are individual columns of the rotation matrix. So what is the best way to rotate your tool using these and know what you're doing? Position your handle at 0,0,0 in the Workspace and then start changing the directions of the Grip properties.

It's not too hard if you just decide to edit one. Let's say you want the top of your tool to face along the X axis instead of directly upwards. Just change GripUp to 1,0,0 instead of the default 0,1,0. Since you change the GripUp (the middle column of the rotation matrix) you have changed the direction the top of the tool is facing (in this case you changed it from the top facing directly up, to the top facing sideways)

:D Thanks man. I am not a pro, but you sure learn me somethin' (Can I read you mini-novel please. I didnt get a chance a while ago on LL) ConnorVIII 448 — 11y
To be honest I am not sure what the X,Y and Z axis means. ConnorVIII 448 — 11y
X means horizontal Y means Verticle, not quite sure what Z means. IntellectualBeing 430 — 11y

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