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How do I connect 2 objects together?

Asked by 5 years ago

I have a Character Creator in my game and I need to make somehow connect different pieces of the body together. Each part of body can have different spot that will connect with other piece for example one torso can connect with arms little bit bellow that other ones or a head can connect with torso a little bit further in X axis than different ones. I don't know what should I use to do that, I assume so kind of play with attachments but I am not sure...

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Answered by
acuaro 29
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

You should mess around with welds and ball in socket joints to connect the body parts. It really depends on what parts you want stable and what you want movable. If you are using a totally new custom character, then you will need to add Motor6D's and animate the movements in a script. If not, then just mess around with the different attachments.

Hope I could help!


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