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How do I add a dialog without player having to click?

Asked by 5 years ago

So I made a boss and in 20 seconds I want it to say something without having to click some stupid dialog How would I do this?

If I understand correctly, you want the text to appear over the head of your boss in the form of the classic roblox dialog, but without having to click the bubble first? FlabbyBoiii 81 — 5y
This is not descriptive enough. There are an infinite amount of ways you could go about doing this. Be more descriptive and also at least try to do it yourself. Benbebop 1049 — 5y

2 answers

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Answered by 5 years ago

Ok, so assuming you want the classic roblox dialog to appear over the head of your boss without having to click it first. I may have a solution

So basically, instead of using dialog, you can use the Chat:Chat() function.

Of course you have to fill out the parameters, so here's a script

local CS = game:GetService("Chat")
local Head = Boss.Head --add your own path to the boss's head

CS:Chat(Head,"Your Dialog Here",Enum.ChatStyle.Red) --you change Red to either Green, Blue or White
this is from the top of my head so I apologise if I got something wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is right FlabbyBoiii 81 — 5y
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Answered by 5 years ago

-1 for posting only links, if your answer fits in a comment, post it as a comment. programmerHere 371 — 5y
First : it is an "answer" i dont see why it matter of it fits in "comments", second : the link DOES answered his question, "How do I add a dialog without player having to click?", do you want me to write a script for him or something? The page already provide him a sample script and everything he needs to know, you want me to copy paste or rewrote its content or something? Azure_Kite 885 — 5y
As far as im aware "comments" exist for "commenting", "answer" exist for "answering", i don't see why i need to follow your unwritten rule, now please kindly take off the dislike Azure_Kite 885 — 5y
no lol, you do not answer his question, the wiki does, so post it as a comment programmerHere 371 — 5y
Yes and? I didnt say im the one who answered it, i literally said "the link does answred his question" and It is still an answer, so i put it up as an answer, it is far from a "comment" than it is for an "answer", and again why should i follow your unwritten rule?, if you are the type to send link on comment then you do it, don't force it onto others Azure_Kite 885 — 5y

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