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How to make a tool when you equip it it changes the camera view?

Asked by 5 years ago

I've been working on a game show and there is going to be a team helping with the electronics and stuff playing sounds , opening curtains, and a camera tool so they can watch. If you see anything wrong with my scripting please tell me. I am pretty new.

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local Camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
local StageView = game.StarterPack["Stage View"]

     Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
     Camera.CFrame = workspace.FocusHere.Position
Sorry roblox136393 but that doesn't work either HollyIsTheBestOne -48 — 5y
oof, it could be the way you (or even I) have been using the Equipped event. So it could be the Event or camera just not working. roblox136393 32 — 5y
what script should i put in the event or what should i put in the script for the event, cause i dont have an event HollyIsTheBestOne -48 — 5y
What I ment Event is that "StageView.Activated <-- This is an event just like Equipped. roblox136393 32 — 5y
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Equipped, Activated, Unequipped, PlayerAdded, Changed, MouseButton1Click are all events and there are many more. roblox136393 32 — 5y
I have fixed it! for the tool variable it did not accept the game. input so i had to do the script.parent input with fixed the problem HollyIsTheBestOne -48 — 5y
oh yey roblox136393 32 — 5y

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Answered by 5 years ago

In my opinion, nothing is wrong here. But the Activated part means when someone clicks while holding the Tool then the function will take effect. IF you want to make it happen as soon the player equips the tool, then I would recommend Equipped.

It no work HollyIsTheBestOne -48 — 5y

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