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How do I fire the Client through a RemoteEvent?

Asked by 5 years ago
Edited 2 years ago

So basically, I have a script in a part, but I don't know how to fire the client via a script using a RemoteEvent. Here's the Script in the Part

1function onTouched(part)
2   game.ReplicatedStorage.Coins.TYBPitks:FireClient() 

Thanks in Advance — DindinYT37

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Answered by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

I'm assuming this is what you want. Put this block of code in a LocalScript and change the line below local function OnConnect() to what you prefer the function to do.

1local Event = game.ReplicatedStorage.Coins.TYBPitks --Indexes placement of event
2local function OnConnect() --When connected
3    print("Connected!") --Action
5Event.OnClientEvent:Connect(OnConnect) --Tell the function when to activate

Also, you might want to read up on Debounce as this script would cause several events to fire.

If this helped, be sure to accept my question so others having the same problem can find a fix. jensar141215 157 — 5y

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