i want to make a spawner for each position (spawns) i mean 46 position, and i have 16 items (hoarditems) all i used didn't work , so who can help me?
local spawns = workspace:WaitForChild("HoardSpawn"):GetChildren()[math.random(#workspace:WaitForChild("HoardSpawn"):GetChildren())] local hoarditems = workspace["Spawns(Unioned)"]:GetChildren()[math.random(#workspace["Spawns(Unioned)"]:GetChildren())] local times = 20 local easy = true while wait(2) do hoarditems.CFrame = spawns.CFrame end
Ok, so you shouldn't really make it too complex, instead of that, why not make a spawner with clones. You can put the item you want to spawn into the location you want, after you figure that out, put the that item into ReplicatedStorage or any other space and insert this script into Workspace
while true do game.ReplicatedStorage.PARTNAME:Clone().Parent = game.Workspace wait(2) end