local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local points = Player.leaderstats.Points
Ok, I was so confused, Now I finally know what you mean.
Honestly, leaderstats are not a part of Player. If you want to create a leaderstats, insert a script In ServerScriptService.
The script:
01 | game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect( function (p) -- p means player |
02 | local stats = Instance.new( "IntValue" ) |
03 | stats.Name = "leaderstats" |
04 | stats.Parent = p |
05 |
06 | local money = Instance.new( "IntValue" ) |
07 | money.Name = "Points" -- Change "Points" to other things that you wanted |
08 | money.Value = 50 -- Change the value to how many you want when the player joins the game |
09 | money.Parent = stats |
10 | end ) |
You can't just find leaderstats inside Player, so just creates them!
Hope I helped, and please explain clearer next time! Cya!
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