So I was inserting a build kit into my place like I usually do. I guess it wasn't the same build kit because this one included an infection. I didn't realize till it's to late and it's making my game lag. I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure there is a script to remove it.
You don't need any plugin for this one
`--AlphaPro720's VerGon Anti-Virus V1.6 Print_Scan_Results = false Quarantine_Instead_of_Delete = false Auto_Mode = false Double_Check = true --Script Created by Vitos q ="Model") q.Name = "Quarantined" classes = {"AutoJoint", "BackpackItem", "Feature", "Glue", "HtmlWindow", "JointInstance", "LocalBackpack", "LocalBackpackItem", "MotorFeature", "Mouse", "Rotate", "RotateP", "RotateV", "Snap", "StockSound", "VelocityMotor", "Weld", "Geometry", "Timer","ChangeHistoryService"} names = {"danlzy4","N00B 4TT4CK!","do you liek waffles","harmless little scripty","ZXMLFCSAJORWQ#)CXFDRE)$#Q)JCOUSEW#)@!HOIFDS(AEQ#HI*DFHRI(#FA","Worm","WildFire","Wild Fire","Wild fire","Wild_Fire","Infected", "ROFL","Rofl","ViVRuS", "OH SNAP YOU GOT INFECTED XD XD XD" , "dåååååååååååååå got owned..." , "Hello...I åm Your New Lord Lolz" , "Snap Reducer", "SnapReducer", "Snap-Reducer", "Anti-Lag", "Anti Lag", "AntiLag", "Vaccine", "AntiVirus", "Anti-Virus", "Anti Virus", "4D Being", "No samurai plzzz", "OHAI", "VIRUS", "Guest_Talking_Script", "Guest Free Chat Script", "lol", "LOL", "bob", "BOB", "Snap Remover", "SnapRemover","RotateP"} hidden ="StringValue") file = {} function Start() if Auto_Mode then print("Anti Virus Activated") print("Scanning!...") end workspace = game.Workspace:GetChildren() qu = q:GetChildren() index = {} virus = 0 function Scan(object) for i = 1,#object do inside = object[i]:GetChildren() if Malicious(object[i]) then virus = virus+1 Name(object[i]) Quarantine(object[i]) else if #inside > 0 then Scan(inside) end end end end function Malicious(class) for x = 1, #classes do if class.className == classes[x] and #(class:GetChildren()) > 0 then return true end end for x = 1, #names do if string.lower(class.Name) == string.lower(names[x]) then return true end end return false end function Hidden(class) for x = 1, #classes do if class.className == classes[x] then return true end end return false end function Name(malware) cur = malware file[1] = "."..cur.Name while cur.Parent.Name ~= "Workspace" do cur = cur.Parent file[#file+1] = "."..cur.Name end inde = "game.Workspace" for j = 1, #file do inde = inde..file[#file+1-j] end file = {} inde = inde.." ("..malware.className.." Class)" index[#index+1] = inde malware.Parent = q end function Quarantine(malware) if malware ~= nil then contain = malware:GetChildren() if Hidden(malware) then h = hidden:clone() h.Name = malware.Name h.Value = "Original Class: "..malware.className h.Parent = malware.Parent for j = 1, #contain do contain[j].Parent = h end malware:remove() malware = h end contain = malware:GetChildren() for j = 1, #contain do Quarantine(contain[j]) end end end Scan(workspace) if virus > 0 and Quarantine_Instead_of_Delete then q.Parent = game.Lighting end if virus == 0 and Auto_Mode then print("Scan Completeed! nothing found") end if virus < 0 and Double_Check then Start() wait() Start() end if virus > 0 and Print_Scan_Results then print("Scan Results") print(virus.."Viruses found:") for i = 1, #index do print(" !!!--> "..index[i]) end if Quarantine_Instead_of_Delete then print("Viruses Have Been Qurrentined") else print("These Viruses have been Deleted ") end print("Scan Complete "..virus.." Virus-es-Detected!!!") Start() wait() Start() end end script.Name = "Anti Virus!" Start() game.Workspace.ChildAdded:connect(Start)`