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Help With :Destroy()?

Asked by
novipak 70
10 years ago

I have a script where my game cycles through three phases, the lobby phase, loading phase, and the game phase.

However at the end of the game phase, the bricks that have been cloned in are not being destroyed, and there are no errors.

Here is my code (btw the lt, l2t, and gt are intvalues representing the amount of time left in a specific phase):

02g = game.Workspace.gameRunner.inGame
03s = g.Parent.status
04gt = game.Workspace.gameRunner.gameTime
05lt = game.Workspace.gameRunner.lobbyTime
06l2t = game.Workspace.gameRunner.loadTime
08while true do
09    if l2t.Value == 15 then
10        wait(1)
11        game.ServerStorage.Fallen:MakeJoints()
12        game.ServerStorage.Fallen:Clone().Parent = game.Workspace
13        game.Workspace.Fallen.Name = "fallenCopy"
14    elseif gt == 1 then
15            game.Workspace.fallenCopy:Destroy()
16    end
17    wait(1)

Here is another idea for a solution which also did not work:

02g = game.Workspace.gameRunner.inGame
03s = g.Parent.status
04gt = game.Workspace.gameRunner.gameTime
05lt = game.Workspace.gameRunner.lobbyTime
06l2t = game.Workspace.gameRunner.loadTime
08while true do
09    if l2t.Value == 15 then
10        wait(1)
11        game.ServerStorage.Fallen:MakeJoints()
12        game.ServerStorage.Fallen:Clone().Parent = game.Workspace
13        game.Workspace.Fallen.Name = "fallenCopy"
14        end
15        if gt == 1 then
16            game.Workspace.fallenCopy:Destroy()
17    end
18    wait(1)

A solution would be highly appreciated as I have been stumped on this for a while!

I would assume it isn't working because of your "elseif." Unless you already have something in the workspace named "fallenCopy," it will have nothing to Destroy because l2t's value isn't 15, therefore it didn't clone the object/s. SlickPwner 534 — 10y
I changed it around to this and it didn't work. Any ideas?: novipak 70 — 10y

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Answered by 10 years ago

Got it!! there was just a few mistakes i labeled them for you!!

02    g = game.Workspace.gameRunner.inGame
03    gt = game.Workspace.gameRunner.gameTime
04    lt = game.Workspace.gameRunner.lobbyTime
05    l2t = game.Workspace.gameRunner.loadTime
06    --{{CHECKER}}--
07    while true do
08        wait(1)
09        if l2t.Value >= 15 then -- i recommened always using >=
10                                --because at the odd chance that your game skips a count.
11                                --your script will crash
12        l2t.Value = 0 -- this was causing an over copy remove if ya want
13        game.ServerStorage.Fallen:MakeJoints()
14        a = game.ServerStorage.Fallen:Clone()-- i prefer declaring it as a variable
15        a.Parent = game.Workspace
View all 24 lines...
I used this, and then modified it a bit. Thank you! novipak 70 — 10y

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