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can anyone HELP me with this?

Asked by 10 years ago

Please make your question title relevant to your question content. It should be a one-sentence summary in question form.
1local access = "a person's name"
2local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
3if game:is(playernameaccess):(Player, access ) then
4script.Parent.Visible = true
6script.Parent.Select.Disabled = true
7script.Parent.Visible = false

I'm trying to make a player have access to vip but it won't work

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Answered by
noliCAIKS 210 Moderation Voter
10 years ago

Try replacing this line:

1if game:is(playernameaccess):(Player, access ) then

By this:

1if Player.Name == access then

After all, you're just trying to make it check the player's name. Since you're using game.Players.LocalPlayer, make sure this is in a LocalScript.


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