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Is there a way to change the look of CoreGuis? [closed]

Asked by
OniiCh_n 410 Moderation Voter
10 years ago

As title states, is it possible to edit the look of CoreGuis? (Through ImageLabels and such)

You would basically have to recreate an entire Gui. But you can hide the core GUIs.  M39a9am3R 3210 — 10y

Locked by OniiCh_n, Shawnyg, and M39a9am3R

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Answered by
noliCAIKS 210 Moderation Voter
10 years ago

It is not possible to edit the CoreGui. However, it is possible to replace it. Using the method SetCoreGuiEnabled(coreGuiType, enabled) in StarterGui, you can disable parts of the CoreGui. You can then use a ScreenGui to replace the functionality. For a list of available CoreGuiTypes to disable, view this page. The method should be used from a local script.

For example, if you want a custom health gui, you could your custom health ScreenGui in the StarterGui and insert a localscript in it with the following code:

1Game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Health, false)

That would disable the health CoreGui so it doesn't get in the way of yours.

You have to fix your link to CoreGuiType, it's missing the first colon in the http:// protocol prefix blocco 185 — 10y