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Value in event script is not calling only causes it's a nil value? [closed]

Asked by 5 years ago

2        local s = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("warning")
3        local r = s:Clone()
4        r.Parent = game.Workspace:WaitForChild(p).Head
5        r.fg.Text = "Warning "..p.WarningCount.Value..". Reason: "..a
6        p.WarningCount.Value = p.WarningCount.Value + 1
7        wait(5)
8        r:Destroy()

i already cant do this 2 hours

Please do not post the same thing more than once. ForeverBrown 356 — 5y
Why are you putting it in the players head, put it in the players torso or humanoid and see if that changes anything. jordysboy 53 — 5y

Marked as Duplicate by User#5423

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1 answer

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Answered by
gloveshun 119
5 years ago

Show us what is in the localscript triggers that remoteevent

it triggers IntValue in player that not in folder or something and etc. boshjio15854 15 — 5y